This is a horror game that I developed in my freetime in Unreal Engine 4. I recorded the sounds with my own equipment and edited them in Pro Tools. I also know how to implement sounds with Wwise.
The videos are ordered from most recent to oldest.
Ranger Danger October 31, 2022
Lots of bug fixes
Changes based on playtesting/ player feedback
Added yellow ear symbol for when monster is near, but hasn’t heard you yet.
Added compass back in (Some players found it helpful)
Ranger Danger October 28, 2021
Bear trap mechanic added
Revamped monster Sounds
Added plot transitions with subtitles and audio
Monster has HP and bleeds when hurt by bear trap
Monster dies
Updated HUD, menus, and credits screen
Ranger Danger August 2, 2021
Objectives added to top left
Ear indicator for when the monster is able to hear the player
Minor level re-design based on feedback
Removed the compass (no one used it during playtesting)
Ranger Danger July 24, 2021
Rock collecting/throwing mechanic
Twig snap mechanic
Monster AI goes to the sound of rocks hitting the groud
Monster AI goes to the sound of twigs snapping
Monster AI attacks player if player moves while in hearing range of monster
Ranger Danger May 1, 2021
Basic monster movement AI
Monster footprints
Compass Mechanic
Ranger Danger March 2, 2021
Flashlight mechanic
Rain particle effect
Built environment with free assets
Synced thunderstorm audio to animated directional light for lightning